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Minecraft Forums
Welcome to Jaegcraft - PvP Anarchy 1.5 D7e02e47eaf297b9d9cc123ed74660ea

Why not register today and get the full benefit of MCForums
this includes no advertisments, making posts, using the search, having your own reputation
and profile.

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If you're new here and you're having trouble finding the place where you can create a new account, then this might help a bit.

When you first come to the website, there should be a pop up that tells you to register an account. If you closed that, and are worried about not being able to make an account anymore, don't worry!

On the top right, there should be a "Register" and a "log in". Click on the register one and it should bring you to the registration form

It will require your email and if you're not to open with that, feel free to make an alternate email for this. We will NEVER give out any info about you that you don't want given out. Nor will we ever spam your email with messages so don't worry about that!

You need an account to post so if you're looking to be an active part of the community, feel free to make an account!

We look forward to seeing all of you in the forums.
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Jaegcraft - PvP Anarchy 1.5

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Jaegcraft - PvP Anarchy 1.5 Empty Jaegcraft - PvP Anarchy 1.5

Post  TonicTears Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:04 pm

Jaegcraft is a PvP, anarchy server, stealing and griefing is allowed!

Jaegcraft has opened its doors to gamers. We are a social group of people that want to play. All we expect from you is to have fun and bring a positive attitude to our community. Our members are required to show respect to other members and players. If we find that our members are breaking the rules then consequences will be handed out accordingly.

Jaegcraft, while still in its infancy, is seeking to establish itself as a home for gamers who will be loyal to its value.

Why wait? Sign up at our forums jaegcraft.enjin.com
Our IP is thejaegcraft.fluctis.com


Posts : 1
Diamonds : 3966
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2013-06-30

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